Danke für Eure Freundschaft, Großzügigkeit und Gemeinschaft!
(Bilder klicken, um zu vergrößern. | English version below; click pictures to maximize.)
(Bilder klicken, um zu vergrößern. | English version below; click pictures to maximize.)

I am enormously grateful for these remarkable three weeks and our friends who made this time unique:
Martin & Anke, Adam & Lindy including all four children, Aleks & Claudi including both children, to our German Pastors Fry & Jo, our Canadian Pastors John & Helen, Jutta, our rental car friends, to the kangaroo and koala.
Thanks for your friendship, generosity and companionship!
Martin & Anke, Adam & Lindy including all four children, Aleks & Claudi including both children, to our German Pastors Fry & Jo, our Canadian Pastors John & Helen, Jutta, our rental car friends, to the kangaroo and koala.
Thanks for your friendship, generosity and companionship!
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